Features in an overview: central dashboard with all events, tasks, shift handovers, whiteboard, directives, shift planning and much more!

Central Dashboard

Plant status und shift events at a glance

Email reports

Notification via Email


Freely configurable forms

Personal Infoboard

Actual tasks and directives


Standardized OPC interfaces

Windows API

Registration via AD coupling

Personal tasks

Administration of personal tasks

Plant efficiency

Review of the plant efficiency

Plant status

Review of the plant status

Report generation

Creation of daily/monthly reports

Digital shift handover

Efficient & complete

Recording shift events

Manually or automated

Digital signatures

For shift handover & check lists

Task management

Automatically from events

Digital check lists

Tours, quality data, maintenance and much more

Rights management

Central administration of user and group rights


The digital shift book is available in several languages.
Please, contact us for more Information!

Plant Historian SB - Digital Shift Book

Digital Collection and Documentation of Shift Events - also available as a Web Version


The MES software Plant Historian SB - Shift Book - records all shift information completely for the entire production chain and supports paperless working in all areas of production, maintenance or in the warehouse.

  • Standard forms for the recording of events, tasks, shift handovers, whiteboard, instructions
  • Digital check lists - freely configurable forms, e.g. for quality data (QM), maintenance, tours, etc.
  • Intuitive and flexible management of the views
    • Filter, group, sort entries
    • Flexible saving of filters in user- or group-related layouts
  • Notifications - e.g. about my open tasks or current whiteboard entries
  • Data export - e.g. for further processing of data in Excel (simple Excel reports) or Power BI
  • Shift handover acknowledgement function
  • Automate processes / workflow engine, e.g. automated shift book entry in case of machine failure, plausibility check, escalation logic in case of value violation
  • Full integration into the Plant Historian world: coupling with alarm management, process data archiving, iScan ...
  • Interfaces: LDAP, SQL, ERP, OPC (SPS/PLS), REST, QR codes, cameras, RFID
  • Available extensions: digital checklists, shift planning, reporting module, complete integration into the PCS7 world

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Our electronic shift book software and the digital shift book solution are an increadible sign and compareable your any digital shift handover management solution on the worldwide industry market. Its a digital shift handover software or better said a electronic shift handover software with uncountless tools for helping you and your digital shift management solution. If you're searching for a digital shift turnover software and the electronic shift book software solution which can help you write better, faster and more efficiently, the electronic shift book management solution, the digital shift turnover software system solution and the shift handover system is the perfect choice. It uses artificial intelligence to read your texts and offer suggestions, so you can be sure that your content is always at its best. With the shift book software system and shift book solutions, while you can keep track of your inventory levels and digital shift turnover system, digital shift handover solutions and our electronic shift handover software are, so you never have to worry about, never running out of stock. Its there for you and your industry company where you are, go, live and work.

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With this digital shift book management solutions, you can easily manage your electronic shift turnover software collection. This book is the perfect way to learn about software development. It covers all the basics, from installation to coding, in a clear and concise way. The shift book management system is the perfect shift handover management solutions for businesses that need to manage shift changes. electronic shift book software system digital shift book solutions - electronic shift handover solution - digital shift handover management system - shift handover software

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With the electronic shift handover solution, you can easily manage the digital shift turnover who is working when, and make sure that everyone is always up to date. With our shift turnover system and our shift handover solution you can say goodbye to missed shifts from the digital shift management solutions. Our shift handover software software is the perfect shift handover software for businesses that need to manage their inventory.
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With digital shift handover software, you can also manage your orders and customers, so you can always keep track of your sales. With handover, you can be sure that your business is running smoothly. handover is the perfect shift handover software and shiftbook system for businesses that need to manage their inventory and orders. With the shift handover software, you can keep track of your stock levels, process orders quickly and efficiently, and get real-time reports on your sales.
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The shift management solutions is easy to use and comes with great customer support. So why wait? Try the shift handover system and the shiftbook software today! Handover is the perfect shiftbook solution and shift handover system for businesses that need to keep track of their inventory. With handover, you can easily and quickly see what you have in stock, what needs to be ordered, and what's been sold. With handover, you'll never have to worry about losing track of your inventory again.

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This shift solution is the perfect tool for any shift turnover lover. It allows you to keep track of your reading, take notes and even create your own personal library. With this shift solutions, you will never lose track of your reading again.

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This shift handover software is amazing! It allows you to keep track of all your books in one place. You can see what you have read, what you are currently reading, and what you want to read next. You can also rate each digital shift handover solutions and add your own review.

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This book is a must-have for any digital shiftbook management software developer. It covers the basics of the electronic shift book system development and provides a detailed overview of the most popular shift turnover software development tools and techniques.
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This digital shiftbook software solutions is amazing! It allows you to keep track of all your books in one place. You can add notes and thoughts about each book, and even see what other people are saying about it. It's the perfect way to stay organized and keep on top of your reading.
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One that is using the digital shift handover software is following the best way to write a shift turnover management solutions. It's easy to use and it helps you organize your thoughts so you can get your book written quickly and efficiently. This shiftbook management solutions is a must-have for any book lover. It allows you to keep track of your reading progress, set goals, and get recommendations for what to read next.

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If you're looking for a digital shift book management software that can help you write better and faster, the imes solutions electronic shift book system is the perfect digital shiftbook software choice. Using the electronic shiftbook solutions also from imes an artificial intelligence, which imes solution has created, the texts are read and you write any offers and suggestions. It learns from thousands of examples and knows what works best. With imes, your content will always be at its best.

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This shift system is nearly perfekt for shift software. Already a good start with digital shiftbook software solutions.

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The electronic software, the digital shift solutions and the electronic shift book solution software is the perfect way to keep all your important documents digital software solutions. With digital shift turnover solution, you can access your shift handover documents from anywhere and share them with anyone. With its easy-to-use interface, digital shiftbook solutions, electronic shift handover solution software, shift handover solutions software makes it easy to stay organized and productive. The shift book is a digital book that helps you make the most of your time. It provides tips on how to manage your time, how to get the most out of your day, and how to make the most of your life.

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Once the digital shift turnover software is the perfect tool for anyone who wants to be more productive. It helps you to manage your time more effectively and get more done in less time. With digital shift turnover software, you can plan your day, set priorities, and track your progress. If you're looking for a book that will shift your perspective, this is the one. With its digital format, this book is easy to read and packed with information. You're not looking for a book that will shift your perspective, look no further than shift. This digital shift turnover software and the digital shift turnover system is packed with insights and stories that will challenge the way you think about the world. From its eye-opening introduction to its thought-provoking conclusion, shift is a must-read for anyone who wants to make a difference.

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With this digital tool, you can manage your shifts with ease and make sure that everyone is always up to date. With shift handover system and shift handover system, your work will be more efficient and organized, and you'll never have to worry about forgetting to transfer your shift again. What? Shift Handover is the perfect tool for busy professionals who need to stay on top of their schedule. With electronic shift handover system and the electronic shift handover system you can easily manage your shift changes and keep track of your work schedule. With its digital interface, a shift handover system makes it easy to see your work schedule at a glance and make changes on the fly. The shift handover system is a digital device that allows you to quickly and easily transfer your shift handover system information to the next person. With this device, you can ensure that your shift management solutions is always well-organized and that you have all the information you need.
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The electronic shift management solution is a digital tool that helps you keep track of your shift schedule. With this handy tool, you can easily see when your next shift is and plan accordingly. With digital shift handover solutions, you can keep your hands free and your mind at ease. This digital watch has a sleek, modern design that is perfect for any outfit. The the digital shift handover solution and the electronic shift handover system is made for an comfortable shift turnover for all industry employees and therefore you all are faceing a perfect shift turnover at night and day. The shift book solution and the shift book software are the easiest way to keep track of your industrial employees shift. With a simple design, it is easy to read and has a large display. The shiftbook software and the shiftbook software is also a lightweight for your pcs in your company and comfortable to get there.
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Just put this shift turnover solutions and the shift turnover software in to one and you will finally get a perfect result!

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The digital shiftbook solutions is a electronic shiftbook system that helps you to keep your life in order. It helps you to manage your time and the digital shift turnover software, to do list and to keep track of your goals. With shift book, you will be able to stay on top of your life and achieve your goals. Maybe the electronic shiftbook software is a digital shift turnover system that helps you with shiftbook system in your perspective and see the world in a new light. With its unique approach, shift book offers a fresh way of looking at the world that will help you to see things in a new light.

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The shift book solutions is a digital tool that helps you manage your shift changes. With this tool, you can easily and efficiently manage your shift changes software. The digital shift turnover software is easy to use and helps you keep track of your shift changes. With shift handover system, you can quickly and easily transfer your work to another person. With digital shift handover system handover, you can keep track of your work progress and make sure that nothing is lost in the process.

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Before digital shift handover software, you can easily and quickly transfer your work to another person. With this electronic shift book solution product, you can do it with just a few clicks. The digital shift turnover solutions is an electronic implementation in your process control system and your shiftbook software which makes it easy to give permissions to your employees from day one! Over from one day to the next. With a simple push of a button, you can change the time, date, and day of the week. The electronic shiftbook software is also equipped with a stopwatch and countdown timer. With electronic shiftbook system, you can easily manage your digital shift files and keep track of your work with the shift book. This product makes it easy to transfer files between devices and keeps your work organized. With shift handover, you can easily and quickly transfer your shift to another person.
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The digital shift handover software is also like a modern digital shiftbook system whith clean design and perfect for single step in the end of your employees day. Just check out our dem trial access. You wont miss ist. We promise! It's perfect for those who want a state of the art electronic shift handover solutions. The digital shift handover solutions has a large, easy-to-read display and a comfortable, lightweight design. It's also water-resistant, so you can wear it anywhere.
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Final words from imes are: We are very proud that we can offer you perfect solutions in the field of electronic shift handover system and digital shift handover system! Just drop us an email and we can talk about your wishes und finally we will give you the best solutions on the market of industry software products.
digital shift book
Central dashboard with all events, tasks, shift handovers, whiteboard & instructions
Fast process automation using an integrated lowcode workflow engine, e.g. mapping of if-then scenarios
Fast process automation using an integrated lowcode workflow engine, e.g. mapping of if-then scenarios

As a result, the time required for recording, reporting and research can be reduced, process quality increased, machine utilisation optimized and error costs reduced.

digital - complete - time-saving


Core Features - Digital Shift Book

  • At a glance: overview of all events, tasks, shift handovers, whiteboard entries, instructions
  • Filter entries by time period
  • Forecast of current developmentsh
    • General filter options, e.g. by entry type (event, task, instruction, ...), shift, attachment, status, agent, ...
    • Opening of entries directly from the dashboard
    • Create and save user- or group-specific dashboard layouts
Übersicht über alle Ereignisse, Aufgaben, Schichtübergaben, Whiteboard-Einträge, Weisungen
Overview of all events, tasks, shift handovers, whiteboard entries, instructions
Standard forms
  • Standard shift book forms: events, tasks, shift handovers, whiteboard, instructions
  • Classification of entries in events, tasks, shift handovers, whiteboard entries, directives
  • Standard shift books freely configurable (data fields, field sequence, data types, etc.)
  • Task management: derivation of person-related tasks from events, e.g. for required maintenance activities
  • Status display for each shift book: number of open entries and entries in progress
  • The standard shift book forms are included in the Plant Historian SB basic licence
elektronisches Schichtbuch, Dokumentation von Schichtereignissen, digitales Schichtbuch, Schichtübergabe
Classification of entries into events, tasks, shift transfers, whiteboard entries, instructions
Freely configurable forms
  • Forms / input masks freely confiurable
    • Multiple data types: free text, numbers, fixed value lists, binary, file upload
    • Recording of measurement and tolerance ranges
    • Any sequence of fields
  • Structure of area hierarchies, e.g. production, quality control
  • Free text search function for navigation
  • Navigation can be customised for specific users or groups, e.g. employees in production only see "downtime recording" and " plant log".
elektronisches Schichtbuch, Dokumentation von Schichtereignissen
Freely configurable forms / data entry masks far beyond the standard
Intuitive and flexible operation
  • Time filter by date/time or shift (shift times configurable)
  • Create filters and groups of any complexity
  • Function is available for each entry field/column
  • Filter builder: compile filters and groups of any complexity with various logics and operators (if, and, or, >=, <= etc.)
  • Sorting function: chronological or alphabetical in ascending or descending order depending on field type
  • Time filter for each field of date/time type
elektronisches Schichtbuch, Dokumentation von Schichtereignissen
Create filters and groups of any complexity
Flexible layout saving
  • Create and save user or group specific layouts based on the current filters, groupings and sorting
  • Examples:
    • Layout „All system incidents of the last month"
    • Layout „CIP list for facility 1“
    • Layout „All open tasks" in the "Distillation" unit“"
elektronisches Schichtbuch, Dokumentation von Schichtereignissen
Flexible saving of user or group specific layouts
  • Notification of open tasks (bell symbol), person or group related
  • Notification of current whiteboard entries and instructions
  • Counter for the number of notifications (e.g. number of my open tasks)
elektronisches Schichtbuch, Dokumentation von Schichtereignissen
Person or group related notification of open tasks
Data export for ad hoc evaluations
  • Excel export for further processing of data in Excel, e.g. for simple ad hoc evaluations in Excel included in the basic licence
  • Add-on: automatic reporting, e.g. for daily, weekly and monthly reports with e-mailing to predefined recipients
  • Data export on the basis of current or saved layouts or the current table filters, groups, sorting
  • Transfer of all groupings to Excel export files
  • Data export via REST interface for evaluation e.g. in Power BI
elektronisches Schichtbuch, Dokumentation von Schichtereignissen
Data export for ad hoc evaluations
Confirmation function for shift handover
  • Confirmation of shift handover by password entry of the shift supervisor
  • Confirmation function can be used for all scenarios that require personal confirmation and documentation, e.g. release of CIP activities by team leaders
  • Forecast: confirmation by means of plant ID card (RFID) or digital signature
elektronisches Schichtbuch, Dokumentation von Schichtereignissen
Confirmation function for shift transfers
Automate processes / workflow engine
  • Fast process automation using an integrated low-code workflow engine
  • Mapping if-then scenarios
  • Automation across several interfaces / applications, e.g. machine control, process control system, third-party systems (ERP, MES, WMS, CRM, ...)
  • Automatic forwarding of alarms & events to the shift book
  • Examples for application:
    • Automatic creation of a shift book entry based on an external trigger, such as a variable of a machine control (e.g. metal detector detects contamination)
    • In case of a machine malfunction, an e-mail is automatically sent to the plant manager and the current shift supervisor
elektronisches Schichtbuch, Dokumentation von Schichtereignissen
Fast process auomation using an integrated lowcode workflow engine, e.g. mapping of if-then scenarios

Plant Historian SB - Digital Shift Book

Application areas for shift books, operating data, laboratories and digital checklists


  • Classic shift book with information on e.g. number of employees at work, absent, sick, etc.
  • Documentation of shift events
  • Shift handover log
  • Shift instructions and tasks
  • Audit logs
  • Plant logbook: documentation of events at a machine/plant
  • Service: maintenance and shutdown, repairs, inspections



  • Shutdown recording
  • Control charts
  • Quality data: defective goods, rework, rejects
  • Production key figures
  • Inspection records
  • Logging of batch changes, material usage
  • Controls



  • Paperless, central, flexible and mobile data capture
  • Increasing the information quality of the recorded dataReduction of the recording and research effort
  • Reduction of error sources
  • Automatic transfer of shop floor information relevant to the shift book (alarms & events, limit value changes, etc.)
  • Support/guide of the employee through the entire workflow
  • Intuitive operation (entry of text modules, spell check)
  • Individual automated reporting
  • Use of a multilingual, group-wide uniform data entry platform reduces IT costs
  • Standardized interfaces to the shop floor and ERP world
  • Facilitated cooperation between staff and shifts

Core Features

  • Central dashboard with all events, tasks, shift handovers, whiteboard, instructions
  • Standard forms for the recording of events, tasks, shift handovers, whiteboard, instructions
  • Digital data recording - freely configurable forms, e.g. for quality data (QM) or maintenance
  • Intuitive and flexible operation of views
  • Filtering, grouping and sorting of entries
  • Flexible filter saving in user or group-related layouts
  • Notifications - concerning my open tasks or current whiteboard entries, for example
  • Data export - e.g. for further processing of data in Excel (simple Excel reports) or Power BI
  • Confirmation function for shift handover
  • Automate processes / workflow engine, e.g. automated shift book entry in case of machine failure, plausibility check, escalation logic in case of value violation
  • Full integration into the Plant Historian world: coupling with alarm management, process data archiving, iScan, ---
  • Interfaces: LDAP, SQL, ERP, OPC (SPS/PLS), REST API, QR Codes, cameras, RFID
  • Available extensions: digital checklists, shift planning, reporting module, full integration into the PCS7 world


  • Platform-independent, modern web application for all common browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, ...
  • Progressive web app: web application for desktop and mobile clients
  • Users can be transferred directly from Windows (AD coupling)
  • Access to hardware and apps from mobile end devices
    • Push notification, e.g. for new task or fault message
    • Camera function for file upload to shift book
  • Open, documented REST interface: data can be use for further processing with many third-party applications (e.g. MS PowerBI)
  • Secure industrial application: HTTPS encryption, JSON Web Token Authentication (JWT) with refresh and access token
  • Simple automated deployment: docker with scripted infrastructure, Kubernetes
  • High scalability and simple extensibility due to microservice architecture
  • Cloud capability (in progress) - even easier deployability & software updates, providers: Amazon AWS, MS Azure, Google Cloud, ...

Display of operational documents such as shift/handover logs, digital checklists or plant books on mobile devices

Error message recording, recording of unplanned downtimes and/or reasons for downtimes, etc.

Fast process automation using an integrated lowcode workflow engine, e.g. mapping of if-then scenarios

Plant Historian SB - Digital Shift Book - is a product developed by iMes Solutions GmbH.
For any information on our whole product range  of digital MES solutions, please, visit www.imes-solutions.com.

Best Practice / Customer Projects

Shift Book - Integration for SIMATIC PCS7 in one of the largest Sewage Treatment Plants in the German-speaking Region

For operators, the flexible Shift Book solution of iMes Solutions provides quick and easy information on any kind of incident in the plant - thus being able to delegate tasks and track events.

Plant operators, shift supervisors and plant managers can quickly obtain an up-to-date overview of the status of the entire plant both on the SIMATIC PCS 7 OS Client and on the computer in the office.

There are different ways to access  the shift book:

  • via a button in the WinCC button bar
  • via the faceplate of the unit
  • via the shift book symbol in the WinCC

The iMes shift book is designed to optimise and simplify processes and also takes into account regulatory requirements. Digital checklists, error message recording as well as maintenance tasks etc. are covered. Improved communication, fewer misunderstandings and less paper consumption are further advantages.

iMes Solutions' Shift Book solution is also available as a PCS7 Add-On in the Siemens Industry Mall.

Trial access shift book

Request your free trial access for the shift book web application Plant Historian SB now without any obligation and convince yourself of the scope of services and functions:

Please calculate 5 plus 2.

Plant Historian SB – Shift Book

Digital and efficient recording and documentation of shift events:

  • Improved overview and handling
  • Reduced effort for data entry, research and reporting
  • Increase in quality
  • Statistical evaluations through classification of error sources and recording of
    proposed solutions
  • Use of a multilingual, company-wide uniform data acquisition platform saves IT costs
  • Simple operation (entry of text modules, spell checking)

For more information, please, just contact us!

Phone +49 8677 9618-0

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